這段時間裡,我的畫以黑色為主而且很愛混色也極少用彩度高的單一原色。可能是物極必反,也可能是我靈魂深處所印植的色相不自覺的浮現。在88年我忽然很喜歡那些原色的亮麗感。於是,我玩起了比較容易入手的絹印版畫。恰好我不喜太過細膩因此照像製版不是選項。加上印的數量不多,因此做版就用腊筆、膠水、貼紙….. 自由自在。這在專家看來全然旁門左道,但有一點完全合於版畫的 principle的就是﹕沒有原稿。
In this period, my paintings were occupied by black mostly. Maybe it was developed in the opposite side when things became extreme; or those primary colors were deep-rooted in my soul and were buoyed up by spontaneous response. In the year of 1988, I fell in love with colorfulness. So I chose the easy-approaching silk screen as my new medium. Because I didn’t like to fashion my work with subtleness and I required only small quantity. So, the delicate photographically produced stencil was not my choice. I made the stencil by glue, pastel and pasting of paper. Such easy way might scorn by experts but one thing that accords with the principle is there was no original sketch involved.