1982年經由自動性的「去知、去故」消解了感官經驗與製作技法的因循而標誌出一個無限多可能性的起點。自此,得以無礙的將主體的生命精神徹底的流露出來!在往後的系列作品中每每都煥發著由生活中所蘊化出來的特殊氣質。因此,欣賞這群作品不能只專注於客觀的物理呈現。若能經由心靈去粹取其主觀的精神內涵,則必能獲得更豐足的心靈體驗。(延伸閱讀: 我的創作觀 連結林論
林勤霖的千里獨行) 連結論林
Mind & Matter(1982-2001)
A 20-Year Retrospective Exhibition of Works by Oliver Lin
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
November 27, 2002~January 19,2003
The paintings by Oliver Lin selected for this major exhibition map the evolution of his work over the last 20 years, commencing with the crucial ‘White Period.’ The works normally reside in private and public collections, and although far from exhaustive, the exhibition nevertheless provides a fully consonant representation of his oeuvre, which we find ruled by the artist’s own unrelenting quest to ‘nurture the inner world, that it may manifest in the outer.’
In 1982 Lin discovered Automatism. Its revelation freed him from a rut of mundane sensual experience and an obsession with manual technique. This step marked the starting point of a journey to possibilities as yet unbounded. Traveling in uncharted territory Lin’s spirit gushes forth in unrestrained outward manifestations – his art. Each piece emanates an extraordinary aura, an unlooked-for synergy created by the transmuting energy charging his daily regimen. Thus Lin’s works are best appreciated not by concentrating on their objective or physical attributes. Rather they should be permitted to work subjectively, spiritually, alchemically; and thus they lead to mysterious gardens of sublime and transcendent delight. About Lin: Oliver Lin’s Long and Solitary Path
White and Objects Exploring Periods
Before this point, while stumbling along on the huge footprints of forerunners, I happened to enter the automatic “chance” and opened the door to the “white period” of discovery. From that time on, the freedom of the structure has been fully expressed. Afterwards, the objects exploring method further uncovered the depth of materials.
Apart from strengthening the technique of my later works, these two periods also pointed out a direction worthy of lifetime efforts.
展覽室•Exhibition Room 403A
Works of White Period——-
Works of Exploring Period——-
人一出生,其所能持有的「時間量」即已經被「給定」! 因此, 人只是一種悲劇式的存在, 從出生開始一步步的趨向死亡而終結。
Tracks of Time
When my mother passed away in 1986, I started the “Track of Time Series” with deep melancholy. Black occupied the whole canvas and heavy gray shapes took form like clingy and ghostlike shadows. I realized the fact that time scars all things with its cruel lashing. In this world, a person’s life span is predetermined at the moment when he or she is born. It is somewhat like a clock which can only wind up once and the cycle of operation was decided by the length of its spring alone. So, men live a tragic life till his life’s end.
展覽室•Exhibition Room 403B
Poetic of Time
I encountered a group of stone carvings of unknown artists in Munich when I visited a museum in the spring of 1989. Through a transcendental communion, I see the endless life of art. So, the sun shone high above and the darkness escaped away from me! With the expectation of possible immortality, colors singing with joy like clouds rambling under the blue sky.
It is a wonderful world!
展覽室•Exhibition Room 402A
The Reflection of Time
Neither serenity nor tempestuousness is the normal state of life. In fact, our rich lives are based on a kind of balance between un-humble self-reflection and un-arrogant self-expectation. Thus, a person with such understanding is able to fulfil himself by following this “middle course."
展覽室•Exhibition Room 402B
凝視生命—-在山巔 在海湄
在花 在樹 在不羈的雲
在爬蟲 在飛鳥
在魚 在獸 在嬉戲的彩蝶間
凝視生命—-在樓榭 在孤舟
在牖 在籬 在窮荒的石徑
在晨光 在夕陽
在霧 在虹 在綿綿的細雨裡
凝視生命—-在經典 在史冊
在歌 在詩 在放縱的墨韻
在淺笑 在秋波
在聲 在色 在杯底紅艷的幻影中
凝視生命—-在傴僂 在跛行
在斑 在痕 在稀疏的銀絲
在針尖 在刀口
在疾 在殘 在冰冷的死榻上
了悟晦昧的必然於心靈的淬煉之后 於是,
喜是生命 悲也是生命
靜對入滅的必然於肉身的衰頹之后 於是,
生是生命 死也是生命
Gaze into Life
After half a century of wax and wane, my craving for life became even stronger at the beginning of the new century. But I also came to understand the many essentialities that emerge from the evolution. I therefore write:
Gaze into life —-
through peak, through shore,
through flower, through tree, and
through clouds running free
through bug, through bird,
through fish, through beast, and
through butterflies fluttering at ease
Gaze into life —-
through tower, through boat,
through window, through fence, and
through the winding path of barren lands
through dawn, through dusk,
through rainbow, through haze, and
through the drizzle never cease
Gaze into life —-
through scripture, through history,
through song, through poem, and
through the untrammeled ink tone
through chuckle, through ogle,
through sound, through shape, and
through the ruby goblet shade
Gaze into life —-
through stoop, through stagger,
through spot, through scar, and
through the thinning silver strands
through needle, through knife,
through illness, through handicap, and
through the icy dying bed
Through the spiritual trail on and on,
terminal darkness is appointed that I know
Now I could smile and say:
Life plays the game with loss and gain
Through freshly downhill all the way
final expiration is fated that I see
Now I could grin and shout:
Life writes songs with tune and rest.
展覽室•Exhibition Room 401